Friday, October 11, 2013

designs due on Tuesday...

...but of course you can turn them in early and we will start early.

Here's the email I just sent to the players of this event...

I just posted the map so everyone can see what they are going to be using...

I am still waiting on an official reply from two more players - they still have till noon tomorrow to reply.

Harliquinn - -
Thomas Dawe - -

Designs are due by 5 PM Central on Tuesday. If you don't have a design in by then you will be bumped and another player will move up to this event. I don't do that to be mean or cruel but to keep the game flowing. :-)

Regular duel rules apply here - first person to 80 points has 25 phases (5 turns) to remain at 80 and they win. Or the first person to hit 100 points AND be in control is the winner.

Mobility kills are worth 20 points - full kills are worth 40.

Any questions?

You may have up to two crew - each may spend 30 skill points with no more than 20 in a particular skill. No tire shots, no dropped weapons, no ramplates or bumper spikes. You may still cause a collision, just no "additional" stuff. You may not use smoke ammo (smoke is a dropped weapon) but you can use Flamethrowers which will cause a smoke counter.

The rational for this is that the local dueling agency says it's okay to hold death sports, but they don't want the environment damaged unnecessarily. Plus it's hard to "sweep up" the residue left from burning oil, etc. :-)

Good luck! And have fun! You can use Cycles, Trikes, Cars, Pickups or Vans. If you have a favorite counter you want me to use let me know. If you have a custom counter you want to make yourself then let me know.

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